Well in the 90s in a small town everyone would go to the friends house with the stoner mum. Play mortal kombat toasted and listen to Mr Bungle quote unquote album.
Then watch some shitty 80s horror movie and drink whatever alcohol we could get from the local bottle shop.
2am we would go into the Orange farm and throw oranges at passing cars until cops were called. (don’t worry they were rotton oranges and we were all too gone to even throw with any accuracy)
Then in the morning after crashing on the couch stinking of weed, beer and oranges we would watch Clueless. Quoting every line word for word of Alicia Silverstone the Lawyers daughter in the movie. Then grab skateboards go to the school and attemp to nail Nose K Nose K on the waxed curbing.
Now I am old and grumpy inherited from my Grandfathers nick name “Grumpy”
It seems looking back like a dinosaur era that makes not one bit of relevance.
Some times I mention to nieces and nephews some stories of the 90s. Or tell them to watch KIDS by Larry Clarke to get a feel for the strange time it was. They get it and some of them are shocked and well they skate too so… Its good to see some good things made it through the digital generational shift.
They mostly get shocked or something about how parochial or brutal it was. But boredom in a small town with a river and fruit farms there you had to make fun out of nothing.
I have to curb my sarcasm with family which is sad its as if I were to talk like we did back in the Australian 90s they would probably have me in woke court or cancelled.
The grumpy uncle. I mean when they say “Them.” I am still a respectful person of peoples choices. I am just a grammar nazi because I suffer from lazy dislexia.
But it was what it was.
No one took them selves too seriously back in the day, about anything because there was no tribe beyond the neighbourhood. There was no kangaroo court of the woke couture clubs, with their army of house cats clicking away furiously while learning a new tik tok dance. It was just a boring time with good music, people making whatever they could out of an economically depressing time.
So yeh the song and video is just about that era of stoned, cigs, booze and skating wandering with friends talking about whatever was going on. Going to random house parties. Long drives just doing the circuit of the town over and over. Band practice in neighbouring town fruit farm shed on weekends. Working stacking shelves. School and just generally talking with all the many cultures that made there lives on fruit and veggies. I played soccer with the Greeks and Italians, which was against the norm of playing Australian Football or cricket. So yeh the only skippy in the team I learned how to swear in many different languages as a Left back.
Anyway not sentimental just taking note that there is no shame in remembering through music what and where you came from. It’s where your stuck… somewhere in the 90s.
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