From the Comic Watchmen there is a character I noticed that was called Ozymandias AKA Adrian Veidt. The son of extremely wealthy immigrants, possibly fleeing Nazi Germany on the eve of WWII, Adrian Veidt ends up an orphan at 17. He’s an unusual kid, to say the least. Instead of taking his inheritance and buying becoming the Greatest CEO celebrity that discovers free energy and how to free the world from energy dependence by using Dr Manhattan (a blue radioactive entity with highest intelligence and Power at will) to be the blame for a set Nuclear precision strike that looks like Dr Manhattans energy signature.
Adrian Veidt: You wanna know my past? Okay. Happily. It’s a matter of public record that by seventeen both my parents were dead, leaving me alone. I guess you could say I’ve always been alone. I mean, they say I’m the smartest man in the world, but the truth is I’ve often felt stupid at being unable to relate to anybody. Well… anyone living, that is. The only person with whom I felt any kinship died three hundred years before the birth of Christ. Alexander of Macedonia. His vision of a United world, well… it was unprecedented. I wanted… needed to match his accomplishments, and so I resolved to apply antiquity’s teachings to our world today, and so began my path to conquest. Conquest not of men, but of the evils that beset them. Fossil Fuels. Oil. Nuclear Power. Like a drug, and you, gentlemen, along with foreign interests, are the pushers
Similarity is that Trump evolved out of German immigrants and in the 80’s New York City bankruptcy, Trump had the opportunity to buy up cheap buildings and redevelop in the 90’s, His work followed through in to the millenium, culminating as a Billionaire T.V celebrity CEO. In 2016 he achieved in the highest position as Commander and Chief as President of the USA.
Now in recent news is Australia will join the United States and South Korea in war games exercise, named Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) according to the Pentagon. Starts August 21 2017, with 17,500 US troops from Australia, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Britain.
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