
Architects of Control

Possibly the best song I wrote during lockdown. Then they said lockdown is over you can go outside... And I was like


I want to flatten the curve of humanity.

Best stay indoors away from the zombie apocalypse that the west has become.

So I did self imposed lockdown and promised to write a double album based on my favourite movie docco by Michael Tsarion ( who still owes me 100 bucks for cancelling an adelaide show and just sent me the DVD) Architects of Control kind of changed my perspective with such quotes as.

“Consciousness is only sharpened against the wet stone of the world.”

“Lets study the root of the problem and forget about the Leaf’s and the Branches.”

Stuff like that gave me something good to go on about making a go of being against the flow of western poison i.e society…. pair up and knock lumps out… or don’t get me started on the whole entitlement bullshit that people have fell for.

so yeh take the hard way and well I let the music speak for itself because it has hope in every note and beat. There was always this yearning to make an musical album that crossed over electronica and rock. So yeh it was a once off. The second part of the double album Architects of control 2 did not get a good reception… way to convaluted but that was the end of 2020 and I was being evicted.

Anyway Architects of control - Part 1 got picked up by a Vaporwave label in Holland via a competition and the CD was produced on eco friendly cardboard and green CD. So I was so happy for first time in my life that something creative actually went well.

I went to local radio station that is clicky as fuck and submitted my CD paid a contribution and I made it in to the top 20 plus one…. I was the plus one.

And I didn’t have to go to the expensive Grammar private schools to get in there… I made it without sucking up to the Coterie of the small mostly isolated super competitive Australian Version of IDAHO.

Anway enjoy the music and check out the 10 albums on Bandcamp that I have written since 2016. Just sharing the love after a dirge of 4 years and full cycle back to that part of my life where things went right for a change instead of being fucked by the same egragore people…. So yeh :-D smily faces… lol


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